Mongrel보다 성능이 뛰어난 Thin

ruby on rails 2008. 2. 1. 16:51

rails의 서버로 대 부분 Mongrel을 사용하고 있는데
(물론 개발할때 쵝오는 WEBrick이닷!)

Thin이라는 서버가 Mongrel보다 성능이 뛰어나다는 Thread가 있어 발췌해 본다.
많은 의견참여가 있을줄 알았는데

그닥 많지는 않다.(Commented 12 )
원문 :

Thin: A Ruby HTTP Daemon That’s Faster Than Mongrel

사용자 삽입 이미지
Thin is a new Web server / daemon written in Ruby by Marc-André Cournoyer that uses the EventMachine, Rack, and Mongrel libraries. EventMachine makes it super fast at processing network I/O, Rack makes it easy to integrate with existing Ruby Web app frameworks, and Mongrel helps it parse HTTP. So, yes, the title is slightly misleading. Thin actually relies on Mongrel, but is ultimately faster than it, even against Mongrel’s EventMachine-enhanced guise.

You can get started with Thin with a simple sudo gem install thin and then you can use it with any Rack supporting Web app / framework. With a Rails app, for example, a simple thin start in the base directory will get things moving.

This entry was posted on Saturday, January 5th, 2008 at 4:01 am and is filed under Cool, Ruby on Rails, Tools. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.


